The Quad-City area received another light snowfall overnight, just as it seemed the last bit was starting to melt away.
It's left everything with a nice white blanket over the top and it looks pretty amazing when you look out the window.
Tonight is our league's Christmas party and I'm hoping to get some cooking done. The caterers are bringing shrimp poor boys and red beans and rice, but I think a few of us are bringing dishes of our own.
I am bringing a soyrizo and sweetpotatoe dish that is absolutely fantastic. And I am also seriously thinking about making some vegetarian gumbo to go along with it. But I will also have to go do some grocery shopping before hand.
The party is at 630, and it will take me at least an hour to get there. I am considering bringing my camera and video camera with me to document some of the small cities along the way and the snow.