Pinterest use has exploded exponentially since it was created, particularly thanks to the DIY crowd.
Food recipes, home decor and health/beauty tips drive a significant amount of traffic to the source material,
and are frequently Liked and Repinned by other Pinterest users.
I'm listing four tips to continue to engage your Pinterest followers.
1. Don't go changing the title of your Pinterest: Short of people actually knowing who you are, this is the easiest way for people to share your board with others. Thi becomes the identity of your board and changing it risks losing potential new followers.
2. Swap out your Board cover photos periodically: Changing your board covers occasionally lets followers know you care about your content, and it freshens up your boards giving your followers a new visual look when they look at your boards. Choose a board cover that conveys the content of your Pins and that's visually interesting. Some Pinterest gurus suggest changing your board covers every couple of weeks, but the hardcore users will change things up about every week. It depends on how many people are following you.
3. Maximize your your board presence: Under each board cover photo: On your board page, each board has a title, a cover photo and the first four Pin photos in that board. Rearrange your board pins so that the top four most helpful or interesting pins are engaging your followers. This too can help freshen up you Pinterest.
4. Don't go overboard on the number of your boards: Too many boards create clutter and confusion. Your Pinterest board functions like a Web page: Can users find what they need? How far do you expect them to scroll to get to what they want.
Some sites to check out: